Pharmacy Software

Your pharmacy software should give you time for what matters most — your patients.

In today's evolving healthcare landscape, having the best pharmacy software is an indispensable asset for you and your pharmacy team. Serving as the backbone of your pharmacy operations, your software ensures streamlined management of prescriptions, optimization of your workflows, and enhancement of patient care.
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Why Choose RedSail Pharmacy Software?

RedSail is committed to providing the industry’s most technologically advanced, integrated, and patient-centric pharmacy software and solutions to our customers. We are fully focused on the future of pharmacy, offering advanced, scalable options. With our software, you’ll benefit from the following:
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increased profitability
Increased Profitability
simplified ecare plans
Simplified eCare Plans
paitent care and safety
Patient Care and Safety
enhanced efficiency and productivity
Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity
better inventory management
Better Inventory Management
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RedSail Gives You Solutions That Fit Your Pharmacy

Whether you're in a community-based setting, a bustling hospital pharmacy, or a long-term care facility, you're harnessing these software tools every day to drive efficiency and elevate outcomes. As we look to the future, the promise of integrating even more sophisticated and intelligent systems into your practice marries the best of traditional expertise with modern technology.

Pharmacy Management Systems

PioneerRx Pharmacy Management
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PioneerRx Pharmacy Software
PioneerRx pharmacy software is more than just a pharmacy management system. Our mission to Save + Revitalize independent pharmacy starts with the people who use our software each day. With a comprehensive array of innovative features supported by our suite of mobile applications, customers can customize the best solution for their pharmacy.  

The PioneerRx software system empowers pharmacies to enhance patient care and have a competitive advantage against chain stores, using features like integrated patient messaging to personalize the patient experience. PioneerRx’s customer support model is an integral part of the software – ensuring targeted customer service by assigning each pharmacy their own support team composed of a software, accounting, and hardware specialist.

Learn why PioneerRx is the most selected pharmacy system in the country.
Explore PioneerRx
PioneerRx Logo
BestRx Pharmacy Software
BestRx offers a comprehensive pharmacy management software suite designed to elevate independent pharmacies. Leveraging extensive industry expertise and a strong dedication to community pharmacies, we provide cutting-edge tools, pioneering features, and attentive customer service. This enables you to concentrate on your top priority—caring for your patients.

Our software equips your pharmacy with a wide array of functionalities tailored to meet virtually all your needs. Are you looking to synchronize a patient's prescriptions for consolidated pickup? Do you desire automated population of patient data? Or perhaps you're interested in identifying which medications are influencing your profitability? BestRx has solutions for these challenges and more. See how BestRx meets nearly every need of independent pharmacy.
Explore BestRx
BestRx Pharmacy Management
NRx by QS1/ Pharmacy Software
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NRx by QS/1 Pharmacy Software
NRx by QS/1 is a comprehensive pharmacy management system built on decades of industry experience. It helps independent pharmacists streamline their daily operations, from processing claims and managing inventory to enhancing patient care. The system integrates seamlessly with other modules, simplifying workflows and reducing manual tasks.

NRx’s robust software system automates routine dispensing tasks and improves medication adherence with effective patient engagement tools. Its extensive interface capabilities ensure that pharmacies remain competitive by easily connecting to additional technologies.

Explore NRx’s complete legacy pharmacy management software.
Explore NRx
PioneerRx Logo
Axys LTC® Long-Term Care Pharmacy Software
Axys is the first cloud-based management system tailored specifically for long-term care pharmacies. As the healthcare landscape evolves, possessing advanced technology becomes crucial; our platform is designed to fortify your operations and future-proof your pharmacy.

With Axys, you’ll experience key advantages such as rapid updates, economical scalability, and robust security. The system is user-friendly, ensuring pharmacies quickly see a return on investment through a reduced total cost of ownership. Its flexible configuration adapts to your existing workflows rather than upending them, optimizing time efficiency.

Additionally, improved operational visibility provides deeper data insights, facilitating more effective decision-making. Learn about long-term care’s first cloud-based and most advanced system.
Explore Axys LTC
AxysLTC Pharmacy Management
PrimeCare Pharmacy Management
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PrimeCare Long-Term Care Pharmacy Software
PrimeCare is crafted to meet the specialized demands of long-term care pharmacies. This robust pharmacy management system enhances productivity with features like optimized workflow, streamlined billing, and straightforward reporting. This allows you to boost revenue, enhance efficiency, minimize redundant data entry, and improve clinical services.

PrimeCare interfaces with over 200 systems, including most electronic Medication Administration Records (eMARs), document management, and packaging systems. With its comprehensive capabilities and scalability, PrimeCare equips pharmacies to excel by simplifying complex tasks and maintaining high operational efficiency.

See our comprehensive, scalable legacy long-term care management system.
Explore PrimeCare

Pharmacy Workflow Software

PioneerRx Logo
DocuTrack Pharmacy Workflow Software
DocuTrack offers a fully customizable pharmacy workflow solution that streamlines operations by minimizing manual labor, improving your pharmacy’s overall efficiency. It facilitates easy access to information, enabling you to provide prompt and accurate responses to customer inquiries.

DocuTrack’s Unified Search feature allows for seamless retrieval of prescription statuses across pharmacy management systems with just a single click. It also features performance reporting tools that display trends in pharmacy activity and customizable notifications that alert you to any delays in order processing. Audit Assist is designed to efficiently compile and prepare all necessary documentation for pharmacy audits, simplifying the audit process.

Learn why DocuTrack is the most comprehensive pharmacy workflow software.
Explore DocuTrack
DocuTrack Pharmacy Workflow Software

Pharmacy Delivery Software

DeliveryTrack Pharmacy Delivery Software
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DeliveryTrack Pharmacy Delivery Software
DeliveryTrack is a sophisticated pharmacy delivery software engineered to enhance logistical operations, including item validation, route optimization, signature capture, and real-time delivery confirmation. Designed for user convenience, it is compatible with both iOS and Android devices, allowing you to choose the platform that best fits your needs.

This software not only boosts compliance and accountability but also minimizes audit risks. It seamlessly integrates with various pharmacy management systems, automated packaging vendors, and major shipping providers such as UPS® and FedEx®, as well as DocuTrack®. Enhance your delivery processes with DeliveryTrack to ensure audit compliance and deliver with confidence.

See why DeliveryTrack is the best pharmacy delivery software on the market.
Explore DeliveryTrack
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“PioneerRx really is incredible. We value working with a technology partner that is helping independent community pharmacies thrive in the new payment models of care.”
“I’ve used several other software systems and Best Rx is the best. It’s very easy to navigate and train people on. Plus, they’re very responsive when it comes to any updates or new features that may be needed.”
“I’ve used several other software systems and Best Rx is the best. It’s very easy to navigate and train people on. Plus, they’re very responsive when it comes to any updates or new features that may be needed.”
“Having DeliveryTrack in place, being able to track, and becoming more efficient definitely makes us more confident in where our prescriptions are going…”
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Software Features Your Pharmacy Needs

eCare Plans

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software enhances patient care by automatically generating eCare Plans and submitting them to CPESN, with over 5.1 million plans submitted. This intuitive software ensures patient interactions are documented correctly for payer submission, streamlining coordination and improving outcomes while meeting healthcare standards.

RedSail's NRx by QS/1 pharmacy software enhances patient care with its eCare Plans module, which standardizes documentation and improves coordination between healthcare providers and pharmacists. This feature allows direct submission of eCare Plans to CPESN, documents patient encounters, and addresses medication therapy management (MTM) issues with tailored solutions.

Medication Therapy Management (MTM) / Adherence

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software enhances Medication Therapy Management (MTM) and patient adherence by identifying at-risk patients, providing targeted interventions, and generating MTM alerts. It integrates lab value documentation and offers patient notifications for prescriptions, ensuring timely follow-ups and improved adherence. These features support better patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.

RedSail's NRx by QS/1 pharmacy software improves Medication Therapy Management (MTM) and patient adherence with customizable services. It includes developing treatment plans, resolving drug-related issues, and providing patient education. NRx facilitates scheduling with the Tickler file and documents MTM activities in the Outcomes window. It also tracks lab values, immunizations, and maintains Personal Medication Records (PMR) and Medication Action Plans (MAP) to support patient self-management and optimize therapeutic outcomes.

340B & Med Sync

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software streamlines medication synchronization (med sync) by coordinating a patient's prescriptions to be refilled on the same day each month. This process improves medication adherence by reducing the need for patients to remember multiple refill dates and making it more convenient with just one monthly pharmacy trip. Med sync is particularly beneficial for patients with multiple medications or those who struggle with remembering refills. For pharmacies, it enhances efficiency and inventory management. PioneerRx's integrated med sync program is built directly into its workflow, offering a more efficient and cost-effective solution compared to third-party add-ons.

RedSail's NRx by QS/1 software simplifies 340B program management, ensuring compliance and boosting efficiency and revenue. It allows smooth setup and management of multiple 340B programs without a separate system, featuring automated refills, formulary creation, and drug reordering. NRx integrates with vendors like Hudson Headwaters 340B and CaptureRx® to streamline inventory and eliminate additional stock costs. Robust reporting tools help pharmacies stay compliant with Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) requirements and audit preparations, enabling community pharmacies to effectively serve vulnerable populations, increase reimbursements, and offer enhanced clinical services.

Interfaces & Integrations

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software interfaces and integrates with a variety of services to improve patient outcomes and streamline workflows. For example, by integrating with OutcomesMTM, PioneerRx provides Targeted Intervention Programs (TIPs) for Medicare Part D patients directly within the pharmacy system, simplifying intervention tracking and recording. Additionally, PioneerRx’s integration with CoverMyMeds streamlines the prior authorization process, enabling quick and easy data transfer and form submission to prescribers, reducing frustrations and improving efficiency.

RedSail's NRx and PrimeCare pharmacy management software offer integration with over 200 interfaces and services from various vendors, ensuring your pharmacy stays competitive. These interfaces, built on government and industry standards like HL7, XML, Web Services, and NCPDP® SCRIPT 2017071, enhance workflow efficiency and patient engagement. By choosing from a variety of solutions, pharmacies can improve productivity, reduce duplicate data entry, and provide better customer service.

RedSail's AxysLTC pharmacy software boosts business growth through seamless integration with various customer technologies, including eHRs, ePrescribing, automated pharmacy packaging, remote dispensing, and eMARs like PointClickCare®. These interfaces upgrade connectivity and tighten operations, ensuring effective pharmacy management.

Enhanced Workflow

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software offers a customizable and intuitive workflow that enhances efficiency and patient service. By streamlining operations, PioneerRx helps pharmacies run smoothly in fast-paced environments, reducing errors and cutting costs. This flexible workflow solution is integrated into the pharmacy management system, allowing each pharmacy to tailor it to their unique needs. With PioneerRx, pharmacies can work smarter, faster, and safer, staying ahead of the competition and improving overall profitability.

RedSail's NRx by QS/1 pharmacy software fine-tunes workflow by breaking down the prescription filling process to maximize throughput. The Workflow module allows users to check prescription status and resolve issues without disrupting dispensing, with features like on-screen drug images, prescription scanning, and NDC barcode scanning. This flexible module adapts to each pharmacy's unique processes and resources, significantly boosting quality assurance and reducing errors by up to 66% per pharmacy reports.

RedSail's AxysLTC pharmacy software optimizes workflow with user-level configurable tasks, allowing you to maintain your unique business processes while benefiting from a smart, time-saving design. Integrations with industry-leading content and delivery management software enable faster operations, helping you accomplish more.

RedSail's DocuTrack pharmacy software improves workflow efficiency and accuracy by organizing and storing essential documents for long-term care pharmacies. This customizable solution reduces manual tasks and errors, enabling quick order access and improved staff productivity. DocuTrack's editable workflow smoothly integrates with existing processes, allowing for role customization and remote monitoring. Automated features like barcoding, custom routing rules, and ePrescribing integration streamline workflows and speed up order processing, ensuring swift handling of STAT orders and reducing triage staff needs.

Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software boosts efficiency with Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology, reducing time spent on the phone. IVR automates calls about pharmacy information, prescription refills, and status updates, saving time and minimizing interruptions. It also allows for customized outbound messages to patients, streamlining communication and improving workflow.

RedSail's NRx by QS/1 pharmacy software features an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system that handles up to 85 percent of incoming calls, boosting capability and reducing employee stress. IVR enables customers to place orders conveniently, improving accuracy and refill compliance. It supports customizable voice scripts, batch adherence callouts, InstantFill® requests, autofaxing for refills, patient pickup options, reminder callouts, and marketing messages, easing operations for single and multi-store pharmacies.

Document Imaging & Management

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software streamlines document imaging and management, enabling quick digital fax reception and easy file imports to boost efficiency and reduce clutter. The PioneerRx Incoming Document Queue centralizes document review, editing, and categorization, allowing seamless linkage to prescriptions, patients, prescribers, and more for optimal organization and accessibility.

RedSail's NRx by QS/1 pharmacy software tackles document imaging and management, reducing storage needs and ensuring HIPAA compliance. It allows you to scan and digitize prescriptions, orders, insurance cards, and fact sheets, attaching them directly to patient records for easy access. This eliminates the hassle of searching through paper files and filing cabinets, significantly cutting paper consumption and streamlining document management.

RedSail's DocuTrack pharmacy software streamlines document imaging and management with its Audit Assist feature, compiling all necessary documentation for quick and easy audits. This advanced system maintains a complete audit history for every document, ensuring reliable accountability. Storing records digitally, DocuTrack ensures easy access and compliance with workflow procedures, eliminating the inefficiencies of paper files.

Employee Time Clock & Payroll Deduction

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software simplifies time tracking with its integrated Employee Time Clock feature. Accessible from any workstation running PioneerRx, this user-friendly tool allows staff to clock in and out efficiently using either a fingerprint or PIN/passcode. This ensures accurate management of employee time and payroll, streamlining operations within the pharmacy.

RedSail's NRx by QS/1 pharmacy software simplifies employee payroll deductions by tracking balances and automatically managing charges. It accommodates multiple payment methods, deducting from payroll or charging a credit card if necessary. Supporting up to 20 pay schedules and setting default limits, this module ensures efficient and accurate payroll management for employee pharmacies.

Cloud Fax

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software improves efficiency with Cloud Fax, a digital solution that sends and receives faxes instantly, like email, without needing a fax machine or line. HIPAA-compliant and HITRUST-certified, it securely stores faxes within the software. Available for an additional monthly fee, Cloud Fax eliminates modem dialing and busy signals. For pricing, email

RedSail's PrimeCare pharmacy software also features Cloud Fax, offering a robust and user-friendly solution with enterprise-level flexibility. This service ensures secure faxing without hidden fees, providing a powerful tool for efficient and reliable digital communication.

RedSail's DocuTrack pharmacy software modernizes your fax system with Cloud Fax. The service reduces costs associated with handling paper documents and offers enterprise-level flexibility with no hidden fees, streamlining your pharmacy's digital communication.

Multi-Site Management (MSM) & Central Office

RedSail's NRx and PrimeCare pharmacy softwares offer Multi-Site Management (MSM™), providing a SQL-based central data warehouse ideal for multi-location pharmacies. MSM automatically collects data, allowing for customized reports and easy data export to off-the-shelf software, without requiring extensive technical expertise. This system enables centralized management of drugs, third-party reimbursements, and wholesaler updates, while tracking drug usage, sales trends, and prescription activity. Flexible reporting options, secure access controls, and features like centralized reconciliation and profile sharing further ease operations, freeing pharmacists from back-office tasks and enhancing efficiency across all locations.

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software simplifies multi-location management with its Central Office capability. This feature allows users to access and manage data from all pharmacy locations anytime, ensuring seamless control over reporting, dispensing, pricing, patient profiles, accounts receivable, and prescriber information. With Central Office, data sharing between multiple stores is effortless, enabling you to efficiently oversee your entire pharmacy network without the need to be in multiple places at once.

Inventory Ordering & Management

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software streamlines inventory management with automated features for efficient stock control. Usage-Based Ordering generates orders based on daily data, while Drug Loan Tracking maintains accurate records of borrowed and lent medications. The EDI feature simplifies managing multiple wholesalers, and Automatic Reorder Points handle various inventory groups like 340B and LTC. The recommended ordering system alerts you when to reorder and flags unused items for return, saving money. PioneerRx efficiently manages diverse inventory types, keeping your pharmacy running smoothly.

RedSail's NRx pharmacy software enhances inventory ordering and management with the RetrieveRx® system and Purchase Order module. RetrieveRx® eliminates the clutter of storing and locating filled prescriptions by electronically organizing them for quick retrieval, simplifying the return-to-stock process, and reducing patient wait times. The Purchase Order module eases inventory tracking, preparation, and receiving, helping pharmacies better manage their largest asset. Paired with an optional Point-of-Sale system, it provides real-time inventory counts, ensuring optimal stock levels and seamless inventory management.

RedSail's AxysLTC pharmacy software streamlines inventory ordering and management by reducing steps and time needed for inventory processes. It allows easier management of multiple inventories and minimizes errors with barcode scanning. The web-based platform offers staff the flexibility to manage inventory remotely, enhancing productivity and accuracy in inventory control.

Customizable Labels & Shelf Stickers

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software streamlines store organization with customizable labels and shelf stickers. Its robust retail item management tools allow you to create a detailed list of all products and print matching shelf labels swiftly and effortlessly. This feature eliminates the need for manual labeling, saving you time and ensuring your shelves are neatly and professionally labeled.

RedSail's NRx by QS/1 pharmacy software offers customizable labels, saving you time and money while maintaining a professional store appearance. This feature allows you to tailor labels to your specific needs, enhancing organization and streamlining your pharmacy operations.

Accounts Receivable

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software simplifies accounts receivable management with integrated patient profiles that function like credit cards, allowing seamless handling of A/R or charge accounts. The software supports automatic payments, spending limits, authorized users, and subaccounts, providing comprehensive tools at no extra cost. Additionally, PioneerRx offers industry-leading accounting support, ensuring a streamlined and efficient A/R solution for your pharmacy.

RedSail's AxysLTC pharmacy software refines accounts receivable management by providing comprehensive tools to view patient and insurance carrier balances, send statements, and print detailed aging reports. It also allows the addition of responsible parties, making it quicker and easier to collect payments.

RedSail's NRx and PrimeCare pharmacy software streamline accounts receivable management, helping you collect payments faster and with less hassle. The software allows you to view patient and insurance carrier balances, send statements, and print detailed aging reports. With flexible options for printing statements, assessing finance charges, and adding responsible parties to charge accounts, it simplifies the billing process for families, facilities, and other third parties. The Accounts Receivable module also helps identify slow or delinquent payers, handles collections, and alerts you to past-due accounts. Additionally, PrimeCare's billing matrix automates price plans, charge accounts, and prescription rebills, ensuring accurate billing based on payer status updates.

Immunization & Drug Reporting

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software maximizes your operational insights and profitability with comprehensive immunization and drug reporting capabilities. It provides detailed prescription data to pharmaceutical manufacturers and supports local drug representatives and specialty drug programs. PioneerRx sends reports to major aggregators like Symphony Health and IMS, making it essential for specialty pharmacies. The software allows customization of reports with features like adjustable layouts, pinned rows and columns, sorting, grouping, filtering, and exporting to Excel or PDF. Additionally, the integrated Report Design tool lets you create and modify reports to fit your unique needs, from financial reports to customized marketing materials.

RedSail's NRx by QS/1 pharmacy software enhances immunization and drug reporting with precise electronic submissions to local or state Immunization Information Systems (IIS). This feature ensures accurate and timely reporting, helping pharmacies maintain compliance and support public health initiatives. For more details, consult our Services Directory.

RedSail's AxysLTC pharmacy software offers advanced immunization and drug reporting with superior data insights. It integrates prescription, financial, inventory, and other key metrics into a unified dashboard, providing comprehensive visibility across single or multiple pharmacies. This enhances decision-making, ensures compliance, and improves operational efficiency.

DIR Fee Management

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy management software offers a robust solution for handling direct and indirect remuneration (DIR) fees, which are charges applied by pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) and other third-party payers. These fees can unpredictably impact pharmacy and can lead to unrecoverable medication costs.

The PioneerRx software facilitates proactive management of DIR fees by allowing pharmacies to directly input estimated DIR percentages or dollar amounts into each third-party payer’s profile. This enables the automatic calculation and application of DIR fees during prescription processing, with the details visibly integrated into the Gross Profit section of pricing information. This functionality helps pharmacists clearly see the financial effects of DIR fees and aids in making informed decisions to mitigate potential losses.

Pre- and Post-Edits

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software revolutionizes prescription accuracy with its integrated Pre-/Post-Edit (PPE) features, the first of its kind in the industry. This solution ensures efficient prescription filling while preventing costly errors. The Pre-Edit function evaluates prescription data before submission to correct issues, and the Post-Edit function assesses claim data after adjudication to identify and rectify errors. Examples include Base Limited and Cash Limited Post-Edits for pricing accuracy, DAW Code Edits for brand vs. generic dispensing, and Obsolete NDC Edits to avoid using expired NDCs. Additionally, PPE addresses low profit margins, high copays, and missing patient or prescriber information, ensuring comprehensive and accurate prescription management.

RedSail's NRx pharmacy software streamlines the insurance claims process with its integrated Pre- and Post-Edits (PPE) feature. This solution scrubs claim submissions before and after third-party review, automatically updating incorrect elements and submitting AWP re-bills. NRx also integrates seamlessly with QRx Edit Assurance, Cardinal Health Pre-Adjudication Edits, eRx Edit by eRx Network, and RelayHealth, enhancing productivity, maximizing reimbursements, and ensuring accurate and compliant claim submissions.

Data Export to Excel / PDF

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software offers robust data exporting capabilities, allowing users to generate customizable reports and search results with ease. Users can tailor the columns in search results for enhanced readability and export these customized views as PDF or Excel files directly from the pharmacy information system. This flexibility ensures that data is presented clearly and is easily shareable, streamlining reporting and analysis tasks.

RedSail's NRx pharmacy software simplifies data export, transferring information to spreadsheets, databases, or report applications for further analysis. The Data Export module offers flexible reporting capabilities, allowing you to export almost any field from the QS/1 system into various data formats. This flexibility ensures that you can tailor the data to meet your unique business reporting needs.

Integrated Point-of-Sale

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software delivers a seamless, integrated Point-of-Sale (POS) experience that enhances customer service and operational efficiency. With its touch screen POS system, you can complete patient transactions while receiving alerts for potential interventions, tracking patient loyalty status, and viewing queued medications. This integration eliminates the need for costly third-party add-ons, offering direct access to pricing and prescription information. PioneerRx also supports tracking and reporting of pseudoephedrine-based drug purchases, selling and recharging store gift cards, and accepting Apple Pay and NFC cards for secure, contactless payments. Enhance customer loyalty and streamline operations with PioneerRx's robust POS capabilities.

RedSail's NRx pharmacy software offers an integrated Point-of-Sale (POS) system that enhances checkout efficiency and inventory management. Featuring a user-friendly touch-screen interface, it speeds up transactions, eliminates redundancies, and drives retail profits. Integrated with NRx, the POS system improves inventory control with automatic reordering and purchase orders, supports multiple payment options, and manages store loyalty and gift card programs. It ensures compliance with IRS regulations for IIAS and FSA cards, offers single signature capture for prescriptions and payments, and provides multi-level security. Ideal for community and clinic pharmacies, NRx's POS system optimizes patient convenience and business control, enabling smarter, safer operations.

Pharmacy at a Glance / Real-Time Prescription Status

RedSail's NRx and PrimeCare pharmacy software feature the Pharmacy at a Glance dashboard, offering real-time visibility into all prescription processing queue activities. This customizable application pulls data from Workflow, Tickler, ECS Log, and Electronic Information, updating at user-defined intervals. With color-coded thresholds for added efficiency, it helps technicians prioritize tasks by highlighting queues in green, yellow, or red based on their status. Pharmacy at a Glance eliminates the need to navigate multiple queues, providing a comprehensive overview that optimizes workflow and helps identify bottlenecks.

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software offers a real-time prescription status feature, enabling you to track which prescriptions are ready for pickup and which are still processing. This feature also alerts you to other ready prescriptions for customers at the same address, helping to prevent missed pickups and reducing the need for multiple pharmacy visits, thereby enhancing customer convenience and satisfaction.

Credit Card Autopay, Prior Authorization, & Card Control

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software enhances convenience with a Credit Card Autopay feature, allowing patients to store their credit cards securely on file. The system prioritizes security through encryption and tokenization, converting sensitive data into valueless tokens upon swiping a card. These tokens replace actual credit card information, ensuring robust protection of patients' sensitive details and providing a seamless, secure autopay experience.

RedSail's NRx pharmacy software enhances payment management with its Credit Card Prior Authorization & Control module. This feature securely stores multiple credit card details for households and individual patients, automatically billing charges upon shipment. This ensures a streamlined, secure billing process, providing both convenience and robust data protection for pharmacy customers.

Delivery Management & Shipping Interface

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software simplifies delivery management by processing prescriptions for delivery directly from the point of sale. It reconciles the cash drawer with delivery transactions and generates printable nightly delivery reports, streamlining your delivery operations. Enhance your pharmacy's delivery service with this convenient and efficient feature.

RedSail's NRx pharmacy software’s advanced Shipping Interface integrates smoothly with the NRx and Point-of-Sale systems, streamlining the entire process from prescription fill to delivery. It automates entry of patient demographic information and stores tracking numbers, shipping methods, and priorities, boosting daily productivity and meeting patients' delivery needs. This all-inclusive system supports individual and batch prescriptions, manages multiple payment methods, and ensures secure handling of credit/debit card data, improving medication adherence and health outcomes.

RedSail's DeliveryTrack pharmacy software enhances delivery management and shipping with features that improve compliance and efficiency. It offers searchable proof of deliveries by tote, manifest, or Rx, reducing non-compliance fines and providing a full audit trail from order receipt to final delivery. Real-time tracking lets you monitor every delivery, recalculate estimates, and send automatic notifications. The software optimizes routes to save time, fuel, and money, ensuring faster deliveries. Tailored to your pharmacy's processes, DeliveryTrack supports various delivery types and works on any mobile platform, integrating with pharmacy systems, automated packaging vendors, UPS®, FedEx®, and DocuTrack®.


RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy management software includes a compounding feature that streamlines the management of inventory, pricing, and billing for compounded medications. This feature integrates directly with compound-specific scales, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in the compounding process. By simplifying operations and enhancing security, the software removes the need for additional modules or external integrations, making it a comprehensive solution for pharmacies specializing in compound medications.

Moreover, PioneerRx’s system facilitates Multi-Batch Compounding, allowing for precise tracking of lot information across multiple batches, crucial for quality assurance and safety compliance. This capability is particularly valuable in scenarios such as recalls, where detailed lot tracking is essential. Additionally, the software optimizes third-party billing for compounded medications, ensuring accurate financial management and maximizing reimbursement for pharmacies.

Long-Term Care / Nursing Home / Facility Management

RedSail's AxysLTC pharmacy software is designed specifically for the long-term care pharmacy industry, offering cutting-edge technology to enhance operations. As the first cloud-based solution for long-term care, AxysLTC provides fast updates, low-cost scaling, top-notch security, and exceptional reliability. Its intuitive user interface reduces training time, and the elimination of expensive server hardware lowers ownership costs. Axys's configurable workflow adapts to your business and integrates with industry-leading content and delivery management software. Advanced reporting features offer comprehensive visibility into operations, supporting better decision-making, while a dedicated customer service team ensures smooth data conversion and exceptional satisfaction.

RedSail's PrimeCare is a comprehensive pharmacy management system tailored for long-term care and combo-shop pharmacies. It trims workflow, enhances efficiency, and ensures peak operational performance. PrimeCare boasts over 200 interfaces, leveraging government and industry standards to keep your pharmacy competitive. The WebConnect feature improves facility-to-pharmacy communication, providing staff with quick access to clinical and care data. Its industry-leading billing matrix automates price plans, charge accounts, and prescription rebills, ensuring accurate billing. Additionally, PrimeCare offers versatile dispensing options, accommodating various dispensing intervals and systems to meet the unique needs of each facility.

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software streamlines long-term care and facility management with precision and ease. It allows you to efficiently produce customized Medication Administration Records (MARs) and Physician Orders tailored to each facility's needs, including support for Electronic Medical Administration Records (eMARs). The software simplifies cycle filling with its Facility Cycle Fill feature, managing visit frequencies, categorizing prescription items, and setting future adjudication dates. Additionally, PioneerRx offers a user-friendly solution for facility billing, providing control over patient and facility billing methods, making it ideal for both new and established long-term care pharmacies.

RedSail's NRx pharmacy software offers comprehensive tools for long-term care, nursing home, and facility management. As the population ages, pharmacies need specific solutions to meet the complex medication and reporting requirements of nursing homes and assisted-living facilities. The NRx Nursing Home module provides easy-to-use features like toolbar icons and drop-down menus to simplify prescription workflows and print Medication Administration Records (MARs). Scalable solutions cater to both large and small long-term care settings, with user-friendly cycle fill options to tailor dispensing and transaction variables. RedSail ensures your pharmacy can efficiently support the unique needs of long-term care facilities.

Advanced Security & Support

RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software offers advanced security and top-notch support. Customers benefit from a dedicated team of certified pharmacy technicians, accounting specialists, and hardware experts. PioneerRx secures credit card data with end-to-end encryption and provides seamless installation with minimal downtime. Automated backups every 15 minutes, both locally and in the cloud, ensure data protection. In case of a disaster, pharmacies can access their data via an internet connection, ensuring continuous operation and peace of mind.

RedSail's NRx and PrimeCare pharmacy software provide advanced security and robust support. The integrated Advanced Security module tracks changes to inventory, finance, and prescription records, protecting against employee theft and maintaining data integrity. The Remote Backup and Recovery Service safeguards your data from ransomware, malware, and natural disasters with daily encrypted backups stored in two separate data centers. This ensures quick recovery and continuous service to patients, offering peace of mind for your pharmacy operations.  

RedSail's AxysLTC pharmacy software enhances security and support with Single Sign-On (SSO). This common identity service enables you to use the same login across multiple applications, and it can integrate with an existing Microsoft® active directory if needed. SSO simplifies access management while maintaining robust security across your pharmacy's digital ecosystem.

Employee Security Login, Permissions, & Single Sign-On

Enhance security with RedSail's PioneerRx pharmacy software, featuring biometric employee login and custom role-based permissions. Employees can log in using a fingerprint scanner in addition to traditional pin and password authentication, ensuring credentials are secure and cannot be lost or forgotten. Customizable role permissions allow you to control access to specific information within the software, ensuring your pharmacy's data is protected and giving you peace of mind.

RedSail's NRx and PrimeCare pharmacy software enhance employee security by providing customizable security access levels for each employee. This feature allows you to define and manage access permissions, ensuring that staff members only access the information necessary for their roles, thereby protecting sensitive data and maintaining overall security within the pharmacy.

Additionally, RedSail supports Single Sign-On (SSO) with its AxysLTC software, allowing employees to use one set of login credentials across multiple applications. This integration can also tie into existing Microsoft® active directories, simplifying the login process while maintaining robust security and operational efficiency.

24/7 Emergency Support & Support Portal

RedSail offers 24/7 emergency support tailored for community and long-term care pharmacies, ensuring help is always available during off-hours, including nights and weekends. This robust support system is designed to quickly address urgent issues that could impact pharmacy operations, demonstrating RedSail’s commitment to continuous and effective service.

The RedSail Hub Customer Support Portal enhances user experience by providing 24/7 access to a comprehensive suite of resources for AxysLTC, NRx, PrimeCare, DocuTrack, and DeliveryTrack software systems. This includes tutorials, manuals, training materials, and an interactive forum where users can engage with peers and RedSail staff. It's an essential tool for fostering a community of learning and sharing best practices, greatly assisting in daily pharmacy operations and professional development.

Additionally, PioneerRx software integrates with the broader PioneerRx support system, offering specialized teams for software, hardware, and accounting inquiries. This setup provides pharmacies with direct access to expert assistance, resolving issues from software troubleshooting to hardware problems. It's a pivotal part of ensuring pharmacies receive the targeted support they need for operational success and long-term growth.

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HITRUST Certified

RedSail Technologies, representing the PioneerRx, QS/1, and PowerLine brands, is certified by HITRUST for information security.  

HITRUST’s risk-based, 2-year (r2) certification demonstrates that RedSail has met demanding regulatory compliance and industry-defined requirements and is appropriately managing risk. The achievement places RedSail in an elite group of organizations worldwide that have earned the certification and showcases our unwavering commitment to compliance and protecting customers’ sensitive data.

Learn more about HITRUST.
DirectTrust Accredited - e-prescribing

DirectTrust Accredited

RedSail Technologies' ePrescribing (ePAP) and Claims Gateway (HNAP) have earned certified status from DirectTrust (formally EHNAC). These accreditations ensure adherence to data processing standards and compliance with security infrastructure and integrity requirements for all e-Prescribing and prescriptions claims processing standards.

Learn more about DirectTrust.

Providing Word-Class Pharmacy Software

New Installations in Last 12 Months
New PioneerRx installations
E-Scripts Processed in Last 12 Months
BestRx processed scripts
Satisfied Customers across All Platforms
RedSail pharmacy management systems

Resources to Help You Choose a Pharmacy Software

Still not convinced that a RedSail software is right for you? Here are some resources that might help. Learn what to consider when choosing the best pharmacy software for your business, the steps it takes to open a new pharmacy, the benefits of considering a cloud-based software in your search, and why choosing a more modern software provides advantages in staying ahead in the industry.
Best Pharmacy Software
Choosing the Best Pharmacy Software
The best software for your pharmacy should encompass tools tailored to the needs of your business. See our guide for tips on choosing the right software.
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How to open a pharmacy
How to Open a Pharmacy
Opening a pharmacy is a rewarding experience, but it is also a complex and challenging process. See our guide with steps to open your own pharmacy.
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Cloud-based pharmacy software
Importance of Cloud-Based Software
Cloud-based software is transforming how pharmacies manage operations and data security. See 6 reasons to consider cloud-based software.
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modern pharmacy software
Why Modern Pharmacy Software Matters
Adopting more modern and advanced pharmacy software is a key component to staying ahead in today's market. See 5 advantages of modern software.
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