Services Directory: Mobile Applications

QS/1 DeliveryRx®

Uses either an iPad® or iPad mini® to capture required delivery information and upload it into QS/1's NRx® via the pharmacy's Wi-Fi. This service captures required signatures, accepts payments at the point-of-delivery, adds a charge amount for each delivery, assigns a driver/delivery person to each device and displays driver/delivery notes. The app does not require an internet connection and is available as a free download from the appropriate app store. This service requires QS/1's NRx and Point-of-Sale systems.

Pharmacies using QS/1's NRx and POS can download the free app from the App Store on Apple's iTunes®.

mobileRx® by QS/1

Offers patients the ability to refill multiple prescriptions on a mobile device or web browser by entering their prescription numbers, scanning the barcode on the prescription bottle or with their Patient Profile. mobileRx displays store information, including a map and phone number, and integrates with QS/1's systems to start the refill process, validate the prescription in real time and display the delivery method. There is no charge for mobileRx for pharmacies that subscribe to QS/1's, QS/1's Express Prescription Refills or QS/1's Basic API.


Works in conjunction with QS/1's systems and uses an iPad®, iPad Air® or Nexus 9 Android® to collect prescription signatures. The app displays medications that are waiting for a patient signature and provides a password-protected login for each staff member. It is available as a free download from the appropriate app store.