RedSail Blog


Pharmacy Technology: Getting Schooled on AI
Published On:
July 16, 2024
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution is in full swing. You just can’t escape it in this day and age. You have likely played with ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini (formerly Bard), or any of the hundreds of AI chatbots available online. AI machines can summarize text, create images, help write your kids’ book reports, and the capabilities are increasing every day.
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Elevate Your Pharmacy's Online Presence with a Pharmacy Website
Published On:
June 4, 2024
In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for any business, including your pharmacy. RedSail Technologies, in collaboration with Storbie, offers RedSail Websites, a service designed to create beautiful, functional, and locally optimized pharmacy websites. Here’s why investing in a RedSail Website is a game-changer for modern pharmacies.
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Axys LTC: Revolutionizing Long-Term Care
Published On:
January 23, 2024
Technology is everywhere, it impacts everything, and it’s only getting more advanced. Modern technology helps provide residents with safe, quality care in the long-term care setting. With an aging U.S. population and LTC landscape changes, LTC pharmacies must embrace new tech or risk a failure to scale or expand services.
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